Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Photoshop - Perspective

Photoshop can be used to do a range of varitey with images. It can be used to change the constrast, transparancy, how light or dark the image is, the tone of the image and to be able to warp your image into different forms using tools such as lasso tool - which can be used to create disorted retangular shapes which can be covered up with layers to continue to warp the image into different perspectives and angles. From this, different formations can be made.

To demonstrate this, I have found an image on the internet:

Shifting Perspective with Perspective Warp

Here is another example of what perpestive on photoshop is capable of:

Original Image:

Yes, that is Optimus Prime :)

Edited Image:

Composite using Perspective Warp

This image has been created using perpestive warp, and took which you can use to easily reshape the content of your image to make new perspectives within your composition.

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